Submitted by Dale on October 7, 2008 - 1:06am
Last week I had the pleasure of attending and recording Paul Sullivan of Orato speaking on Citizen Journalism at the September meeting of the High-Tech Communicators' Exchange (HTCE). Sullivan is a passionate and articulate speaker with a background in both classic and citizen journalism. Not only has he held senior editor positions at major Canadian newspapers and the CBC, he's Editor-in-Chief of the citizen journalism website Orato, and recently appeared on a list of the 20 most visible Vancouverites on the web.
Sullivan begins with Andrew Keen, of The Cult of the Amateur: How Today's Internet is Killing Our Culture fame, and goes on to compare and contrast citizen journalism with classic journalism, describing how citizen journalism has changed the business landscape, and makes the argument citizen journalism is ultimately good for society. Virtues and warts, he talks about both the good and the bad. Although his talk clocks in at just over an hour, with another 15 odd minutes of Q & A, I was engaged the entire time, and from my vantage point so was the rest of the audience.
Citizen Journalism - HTCE September 2008 (Part 1 of 2)